Data Spotlight

  • Older Adults and Mental Health

    This Data Spotlight highlights the experiences of respondents to the 2018-19 NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey. Data in this Spotlight include information on the impact of mental health on older adults.

  • Health Care Access and Preventive Services

    This Data Spotlight highlights the experiences of respondents to the 2018-19 NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey. Data in this Spotlight include information on healthcare utilization and the importance of access to health services.

  • Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias

    This Data Spotlight highlights the experiences of respondents to the 2018-19 NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey who had an Alzheimer's or other dementia diagnosis. Data in this Spotlight include information on the importance of family support, community participation, and satisfaction.

  • LTSS Experiences of Black and White Respondents

    This Data Spotlight shares information about NCI-AD data and the long-term services and supports (LTSS) experiences of Black and White respondents. Data in this Spotlight includes experiences with staff, choice and control, and preventive care and mental health.

  • Social connections among older adults and people with disabilities

    Social isolation can have negative impacts to older adult physical health, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and early mortality. Loneliness also has an impact on mental and emotional health, as older adults experiencing loneliness are at increased risk of depression and cognitive decline.