What is NCI-AD?

Establish in 2015, National Core Indicators—Aging and Disabilities™ (NCI-AD™) is a voluntary effort by state aging and physical disability agencies to measure and track their performance using a standardized set of nationally validated measures. The effort is coordinated by Advancing States and Human Services Research Institute (HSRI). Learn more about our history here.

In 2021-22 a total of 19 states participated in NCI-AD. Not all participating states do all surveys every year.

What is the NCI-AD
Adult Consumer Survey?

The NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey (ACS), is standardized survey conducted with a person receiving long term services and supports (LTSS) through state aging and physical disability systems. Surveys are conducted by trained surveyors through in-person, secure video meeting, or over-the-phone conversations with service participants. The main part of the survey contains subjective questions about how well services are supporting the person; these can only be answered by the person themselves. A subset of more objective questions may be answered by a proxy respondent if needed. In addition to the questions for service participants, the survey also collects background information on the person –demographic and service-related data – mainly from service agency records. In 2021-22, the survey included two state-optional modules:

Person-Centered Planning Module. This is a series of questions that ask about the person-centered planning process, including the person’s experience developing the service plan and the service planning meeting. The following states conducted the Person-Centered Planning Module: CO, DE, GA, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, NJ, OK, TX, WA, WI.

COVID-19 Supplement. This included a series of questions of the person’s experience with services during COVID-19 and the overall impact of the pandemic on the person’s life. The following states conducted the COVID-19 Supplement: CO, DE, GA, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, NJ, OK, TX, WA, WI.


There is considerable variation in how states’ long-term services and supports (LTSS) programs serving older adults and adults with physical disabilities are organized, funded, and administered. The NCI-AD program allows states to include programs funded through Medicaid, the Older Americans Act, Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), state-only funds, and/or other state- and federal-blended funds. The NCI-AD project team works closely with each participating NCI-AD state to advise and track which LTSS program populations and sub-populations are included in the state’s sampling strategy, how that sample is designed and how many surveys are targeted for completion. See detailed information on state sample frames here.

Michigan Specific Sample

Total Sample Frame: 84897

Total surveys completed: 794

Overall Margin of Error 3.46%

Program Category

Table 1. Classification of 2021-22 State programs

STATE Program Funding Source Description of Program Total Population Eligible for NCI-AD Total Usable Surveys Collected MoE (95%Confidence, 0.5 Distribution) MoE (95%Confidence, 0.7 Distribution)
MI Older Americans Act (OAA) Older Americans Act & State general fund Individuals receiving in-home support services such as home delivered meals, chore services, case management, etc. 84897 794 3.48% 3.19%

What is included in this report?

This report presents Michigan 2021-22 ACS demographics and outcomes results. Data are shown for the overall statewide average, broken out by program sampled, and include the weighted NCI-AD Average.

Please note: Extreme caution should be used when interpreting results where the number of valid responses is small. Each program’s valid number of responses (valid Ns) is shown in every chart and table in this report.

To protect people’s privacy we do not show the data when 20 or fewer people from a state or within a program responded to a question, however their data are included in the overall state average.

Presentation of Data

Data may be viewed as bar charts or in tables by clicking the appropriate tab for each outcome. Data presented in charts are “collapsed” meaning that data grouped by response options to what is considered to reflect a positive outcome and all other responses. Tables represent the un-collapsed data outcomes.

All NCI-AD data are collapsed “yes” responses only, unless otherwise noted.

All state and NCI-AD averages throughout this report are “weighted” to account for any non-proportional sampling of programs and to “rebalance” the states’ sample sizes according to their populations of survey-eligible service recipients. See more details on weighting in Part II of this report.



Table 2. Average age (reported for those under 90 years old)

Program Age N
Region 1 77.5 126
Region 2 75.4 137
Region 3 75.9 156
Region 4 76.4 140
Region 5 76.1 137
Overall State Average 76.1 696
NCI-AD Weighted Average 66.8 12847

Table 3. Age Category (including those 90 and older)

Program 18-44 45-64 65-89 90+ N
Region 1 0% 5% 84% 11% 142
Region 2 1% 6% 84% 10% 152
Region 3 1% 6% 81% 12% 178
Region 4 0% 3% 84% 12% 160
Region 5 1% 4% 81% 14% 160
Overall State Average 0% 5% 83% 12% 792
NCI-AD Weighted Average 8% 27% 58% 6% 13593

Table 4. Gender

Program Male Female Other Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 43% 56% 1% 0% 143
Region 2 36% 64% 0% 0% 152
Region 3 30% 70% 0% 0% 179
Region 4 32% 68% 0% 0% 160
Region 5 29% 71% 0% 0% 160
Overall State Average 32% 68% 0% 0% 794
NCI-AD Weighted Average 32% 68% 0% 0% 13595

Table 5. Race and ethnicity

Program American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Pacific Islander White Hispanic or Latino Other Don’t know Unclear/Refused/No Response N
Region 1 1% 0% 1% 0% 96% 0% 1% 2% 1% 133
Region 2 7% 0% 4% 0% 99% 0% 7% 8% 0% 56
Region 3 1% 1% 30% 1% 73% 2% 3% 3% 2% 134
Region 4 1% 0% 7% 0% 88% 1% 1% 8% 1% 140
Region 5 1% 0% 17% 0% 82% 1% 4% 0% 0% 152
Overall State Average 1% 0% 17% 0% 83% 1% 3% 4% 1% 615
NCI-AD Weighted Average 2% 5% 23% 0% 60% 9% 2% 3% 2% 13134

Table 6. Marital Status

Program Single, never married Married or in domestic partnership Separated or divorced Widowed Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 12% 36% 12% 40% 0% 129
Region 2 23% 19% 19% 39% 0% 149
Region 3 22% 13% 27% 38% 0% 172
Region 4 * 19% 22% 13% 45% 1% 120
Region 5 16% 15% 17% 51% 1% 153
Overall State Average 20% 18% 21% 41% 0% 723
NCI-AD Weighted Average 28% 15% 27% 25% 4% 13114

Table 7. Preferred Language

Program English Spanish Other Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 100% 0% 0% 0% 140
Region 2 100% 0% 0% 0% 139
Region 3 98% 1% 1% 0% 171
Region 4 100% 0% 0% 0% 130
Region 5 99% 1% 0% 0% 156
Overall State Average 99% 0% 0% 0% 736
NCI-AD Weighted Average 89% 4% 7% 0% 13409

Table 8. Residential Designation

Categories created using zip codes and corresponding RUCA codes

Program Metropolitan Micropolitan Rural Small Town N
Region 1 3% 66% 19% 10% 118
Region 2 6% 50% 21% 21% 147
Region 3 91% 1% 3% 3% 173
Region 4 48% 38% 7% 7% 128
Region 5 72% 7% 6% 11% 144
Overall State Average 60% 21% 8% 9% 710
NCI-AD Weighted Average 72% 14% 6% 9% 13085

Table 9. Median Income (based on zip code)

Newly reported in 2021-2022

Program $0- $9,999 $10,000- $19,999 $20,000- $29,999 $30,000- $39,999 $40,000- $49,999 $50,000- $59,999 $60,000- $69,999 $70,000- $79,999 $80,000- $89,999 $90,000- $99,999 $100,000 and over N
Region 1 0% 4% 11% 28% 56% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 109
Region 2 3% 2% 12% 60% 19% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 144
Region 3 0% 0% 6% 16% 29% 25% 10% 6% 5% 1% 2% 170
Region 4 2% 0% 6% 33% 41% 16% 2% 1% 0% 0% 0% 127
Region 5 1% 2% 6% 23% 44% 13% 9% 1% 0% 0% 0% 138
Overall State Average 1% 1% 7% 28% 33% 17% 6% 3% 2% 1% 1% 688
NCI-AD Weighted Average 0% 1% 9% 27% 27% 16% 9% 5% 3% 1% 1% 12977

Table 10. Type of Residence

Program Own or family house or apartment Senior living apartment or complex Group home, adult family home, foster home, host home Assisted living facility, residential care facility Nursing facility, nursing home Homeless or temporary shelter Other Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 89% 9% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 143
Region 2 88% 9% 0% 1% 1% 0% 1% 0% 152
Region 3 81% 14% 1% 2% 1% 0% 1% 0% 176
Region 4 83% 14% 0% 1% 1% 0% 1% 1% 153
Region 5 75% 23% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 159
Overall State Average 82% 14% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 783
NCI-AD Weighted Average 76% 7% 2% 7% 6% 0% 2% 1% 13448

Table 11. Who the person lives with

Program No One – Lives Alone Spouse or Partner Other Family Friend(s) Live-in PCA Others Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 59% 29% 9% 0% 1% 2% 1% 142
Region 2 65% 17% 15% 0% 3% 1% 0% 151
Region 3 66% 10% 21% 2% 1% 0% 0% 177
Region 4 66% 19% 13% 1% 1% 1% 0% 155
Region 5 71% 14% 15% 1% 0% 1% 0% 159
Overall State Average 66% 15% 17% 1% 1% 1% 0% 784
NCI-AD Weighted Average 47% 13% 28% 2% 2% 9% 1% 13355

Table 12. Address Change

Program Yes No Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 2% 98% 0% 141
Region 2 2% 98% 0% 151
Region 3 2% 98% 0% 173
Region 4 3% 97% 0% 145
Region 5 5% 95% 0% 154
Overall State Average 3% 97% 0% 764
NCI-AD Weighted Average 6% 92% 2% 12980
Program No Yes N
Region 1 98% 2% 141
Region 2 98% 2% 151
Region 3 98% 2% 173
Region 4 97% 3% 145
Region 5 95% 5% 154
Overall State Average 97% 3% 764
NCI-AD Weighted Average 94% 6% 12752

Table 13. Where people moved from (if moved in the last 6 months)

Program Own or family house or apartment Senior living apartment or complex Group home, adult family home, foster home, host home Assisted living facility, residential care facility Nursing facility, nursing home Homeless or temporary shelter Other Don’t know or unclear N
NCI-AD Weighted Average 63% 5% 4% 5% 5% 3% 14% 1% 689
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Overall State Average

Table 14. Diagnoses

All categories except ‘physical disability’, ‘intellectual or other developmental disability’, and ’Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia are new in 2021-22. Categories are not mutually exclusive; therefore, N is not shown.

Program Physical Disability Traumatic brain injury or other acquired brain injury Intellectual or other developmental disability Alzheimer’s disease or dementia Heart Disease Cancer Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Stroke Diabetes Hypertension (or high blood pressure
Region 1 81% 7% 0% 9% 47% 12% 17% 17% 27% 52%
Region 2 69% 8% 2% 7% 43% 18% 31% 21% 32% 63%
Region 3 75% 12% 4% 7% 34% 19% 25% 26% 36% 57%
Region 4 74% 2% 0% 10% 29% 19% 30% 20% 36% 66%
Region 5 77% 11% 9% 8% 39% 19% 31% 22% 40% 66%
Overall State Average 74% 9% 3% 8% 36% 18% 27% 23% 36% 61%
NCI-AD Weighted Average 70% 11% 8% 11% 33% 12% 23% 20% 37% 60%

Table 15. Person has chronic psychiatric or mental health diagnosis

Program Yes No Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 3% 97% 0% 121
Region 2 11% 88% 1% 138
Region 3 7% 92% 1% 161
Region 4 * 18% 82% 0% 95
Region 5 13% 87% 1% 127
Overall State Average 10% 89% 1% 642
NCI-AD Weighted Average 35% 61% 3% 12828

Table 16. Level of Mobility

Categories are not mutually exclusive (except ‘Don’t know or unclear or unclear’).

Program Non-Ambulatory Moves self with wheelchair Moves self with other aids Moves self without aids Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 4% 12% 58% 46% 0% 138
Region 2 1% 21% 68% 36% 0% 151
Region 3 14% 22% 64% 14% 0% 177
Region 4 3% 8% 62% 37% 0% 157
Region 5 1% 15% 74% 32% 0% 157
Overall State Average 7% 17% 65% 27% 0% 780
NCI-AD Weighted Average 8% 21% 53% 27% 8% 13086

Table 17. Has history of frequent falls (more than two falls in a six-month period)

Program Yes No Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 22% 78% 0% 128
Region 2 38% 62% 0% 142
Region 3 46% 54% 0% 173
Region 4 28% 72% 0% 152
Region 5 34% 66% 0% 137
Overall State Average 38% 62% 0% 732
NCI-AD Weighted Average 28% 70% 1% 12866

Table 18. Receives Medicare

Program Yes No Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 90% 7% 3% 118
Region 2 90% 9% 1% 144
Region 3 96% 4% 0% 162
Region 4 96% 4% 0% 133
Region 5 93% 6% 2% 126
Overall State Average 94% 5% 1% 683
NCI-AD Weighted Average 79% 18% 3% 12473

Table 19. Length of time receiving LTSS services in current program

Program 0 - 5 months 6 months – less than 1 year 1 year – less than 3 years 3 or more years Don’t know or unclear N
Region 1 * 5% 12% 45% 32% 7% 101
Region 2 * 19% 3% 21% 52% 4% 94
Region 3 12% 1% 24% 58% 5% 156
Region 4 * 6% 6% 35% 51% 2% 83
Region 5 * 16% 7% 25% 49% 1% 67
Overall State Average * 12% 4% 27% 53% 4% 501
NCI-AD Weighted Average 7% 6% 28% 54% 5% 11942

Outcome Tables and
Comparisons across Programs

Community Participation

Table 21. Gets to do things outside of their home as much as they want to

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 78% 22% 69
Region 2 66% 34% 114
Region 3 69% 31% 140
Region 4 77% 23% 90
Region 5 48% 52% 120
Overall State Average 67% 33% 533
NCI-AD Weighted Average 62% 38% 9950

Table 22. Takes part in activities with others as much as they want to (in-person or virtually)

Question changed in 2021-22

Bar chart


Program Yes Sometimes No N
Region 1 62% 11% 26% 61
Region 2 46% 8% 46% 117
Region 3 50% 8% 42% 145
Region 4 69% 8% 23% 84
Region 5 25% 4% 71% 103
Overall State Average 50% 8% 42% 510
NCI-AD Weighted Average 58% 11% 31% 9904

Table 23. Reasons cannot always take part in activities with others as much as they want to (in-person or virtually)

Bar chart


Program Cost or money Transportation Accessibility or lack of equipment Health limitations Not enough help, staffing,or personal assistance Feeling unwelcome in the community Feeling unsafe No community activities outside of home available Lack of information or doesn’t know what type of community activities are available Does not have technology or equipment Other N
Region 2 0% 8% 3% 20% 2% 2% 0% 10% 5% 39% 16% 61
Region 3 3% 44% 1% 61% 3% 1% 3% 4% 0% 3% 7% 71
Region 4 5% 19% 0% 14% 10% 0% 0% 5% 0% 33% 38% 21
Region 5 1% 7% 1% 19% 1% 1% 3% 3% 7% 43% 39% 69
Overall State Average 2% 27% 2% 41% 3% 1% 2% 5% 2% 26% 21% 242
NCI-AD Weighted Average 11% 29% 6% 52% 5% 2% 4% 3% 6% 10% 19% 3908
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1

Access to Community

Table 24. Has transportation to do the things they want outside of home

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar charts


Program Yes Sometimes No N
Region 1 77% 15% 8% 110
Region 2 68% 17% 16% 133
Region 3 76% 11% 13% 169
Region 4 80% 9% 11% 127
Region 5 71% 12% 17% 143
Overall State Average 75% 12% 13% 682
NCI-AD Weighted Average 74% 11% 15% 12174

Table 25. Has transportation to get to medical appointments

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar charts


Program Yes Sometimes No N
Region 1 84% 12% 4% 113
Region 2 89% 9% 2% 143
Region 3 85% 10% 5% 172
Region 4 89% 7% 4% 134
Region 5 89% 5% 6% 154
Overall State Average 87% 9% 4% 716
NCI-AD Weighted Average 90% 6% 4% 12623

Everyday Living

Table 26. Needs at least some assistance with everyday activities (such as preparing meals, housework, shopping or taking their medications)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Some A lot None N
Region 1 51% 24% 25% 138
Region 2 48% 29% 23% 150
Region 3 31% 49% 21% 179
Region 4 59% 23% 18% 147
Region 5 56% 27% 18% 158
Overall State Average 45% 35% 20% 772
NCI-AD Weighted Average 39% 51% 11% 13376

Table 27. Gets enough support for everyday activities (if needs at least some assistance)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes, always No, not always N
Region 1 79% 21% 98
Region 2 76% 24% 111
Region 3 67% 33% 136
Region 4 70% 30% 113
Region 5 69% 31% 125
Overall State Average 70% 30% 583
NCI-AD Weighted Average 77% 23% 12059

Table 28. Needs at least some assistance with self-care (such as bathing, dressing, going to the bathroom, eating, or moving around their home)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Some A lot None N
Region 1 16% 11% 73% 128
Region 2 26% 22% 52% 148
Region 3 23% 35% 42% 176
Region 4 18% 14% 68% 132
Region 5 21% 14% 65% 155
Overall State Average 22% 24% 54% 739
NCI-AD Weighted Average 33% 38% 29% 13311

Table 29. Gets enough support for self-care (if needs at least some assistance)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes, always No, not always N
Region 1 87% 12% 32
Region 2 73% 27% 63
Region 3 57% 43% 98
Region 4 76% 24% 38
Region 5 63% 37% 49
Overall State Average 64% 36% 280
NCI-AD Weighted Average 78% 22% 9889


Table 30. Has a paid job

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 0% 100% 108
Region 2 2% 98% 150
Region 3 1% 99% 171
Region 4 1% 99% 138
Region 5 1% 99% 143
Overall State Average 1% 99% 710
NCI-AD Weighted Average 3% 97% 12708

Table 31. Wants a paid job (if they do not currently have one)

Bar chart


Program Yes Maybe, not sure No N
Region 1 1% 3% 96% 77
Region 2 4% 1% 95% 123
Region 3 3% 2% 94% 144
Region 4 1% 2% 97% 108
Region 5 2% 3% 95% 93
Overall State Average 3% 2% 95% 545
NCI-AD Weighted Average 9% 5% 87% 9469

Table 32. Someone talked with them about job options (if they do not currently have a job but want one)

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
NCI-AD Weighted Average 33% 67% 932
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Overall State Average

Table 33. Person Volunteers

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 5% 95% 96
Region 2 12% 88% 146
Region 3 14% 86% 168
Region 4 7% 93% 123
Region 5 9% 91% 128
Overall State Average 11% 89% 661
NCI-AD Weighted Average 7% 93% 12441

Table 34. Wants to volunteer (if they do not currently)

Bar chart


Program Yes Maybe, not sure No N
Region 1 5% 6% 89% 64
Region 2 1% 4% 95% 105
Region 3 1% 6% 93% 118
Region 4 4% 6% 90% 98
Region 5 3% 8% 89% 87
Overall State Average 2% 6% 92% 472
NCI-AD Weighted Average 8% 9% 83% 8838


Table 35. Has friends or family they do not live with who are a part of their life

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 93% 7% 110
Region 2 84% 16% 128
Region 3 87% 13% 155
Region 4 88% 12% 139
Region 5 91% 9% 140
Overall State Average 88% 12% 672
NCI-AD Weighted Average 89% 11% 10739

Table 36. Able to see or talk to their friends and family when they want (if has friends or family they do not live with who are a part of their life)

Bar chart


Program Yes, always, or chooses not to Most of the time, usually No, only sometimes or rarely, or only some family and/or friends N
Region 1 95% 1% 4% 102
Region 2 80% 17% 3% 107
Region 3 88% 11% 2% 129
Region 4 94% 2% 3% 121
Region 5 95% 2% 3% 126
Overall State Average 90% 8% 3% 585
NCI-AD Weighted Average 85% 11% 5% 9699

Table 37. Reasons cannot always see or talk to friends or family

Bar chart


Program Availability of transportation Accessibility Staffing/personal assistance unavailable Health limitations Someone prevents from/rules against No or limited access to a phone No or limited access to the internet Other N
Overall State Average 30% 11% 0% 37% 0% 0% 0% 40% 22
NCI-AD Weighted Average 14% 4% 1% 12% 1% 1% 1% 20% 1389
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5

Service Coordination

Table 38. How first found out about services they can get

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Friend Family Aging and disability resource center; area agency on aging; center for independent living State or county agency Case manager or care coordinator Doctor, hospital, clinic Other provider or provider agency Media, newspaper, TV, radio, billboard, brochure, flyer, advertisement Internet or website Other N
Region 1 4% 21% 30% 6% 0% 11% 3% 0% 0% 8% 119
Region 2 10% 13% 36% 13% 1% 20% 6% 0% 0% 2% 150
Region 3 8% 9% 53% 7% 1% 12% 5% 1% 0% 1% 176
Region 4 5% 7% 26% 7% 3% 17% 1% 0% 0% 9% 116
Region 5 8% 14% 25% 15% 3% 21% 3% 1% 0% 4% 146
Overall State Average 7% 11% 40% 9% 1% 15% 4% 0% 0% 3% 707
NCI-AD Weighted Average 9% 17% 14% 13% 11% 19% 10% 1% 1% 4% 13081

Table 39. Can Contact their case manager/care coordinator when needs to

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes, always Most of the time, usually No N
Region 2 87% 10% 3% 39
Region 3 89% 5% 5% 57
Region 4 87% 8% 5% 38
Region 5 91% 7% 2% 56
Overall State Average 89% 7% 4% 205
NCI-AD Weighted Average 77% 15% 8% 8715
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1

Table 40. Who helps person most often (if anyone helps on a regular basis)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Paid support worker who is not a friend or relative Paid family member or spouse or partner Paid friend Unpaid family member or spouse or partner Unpaid friend or volunteer Other N
Region 1 45% 4% 0% 46% 4% 0% 67
Region 2 73% 1% 0% 21% 5% 0% 82
Region 3 56% 4% 1% 34% 6% 0% 125
Region 4 60% 0% 0% 34% 4% 1% 93
Region 5 60% 3% 0% 32% 4% 0% 116
Overall State Average 59% 3% 0% 32% 5% 0% 483
NCI-AD Weighted Average 54% 21% 2% 21% 2% 1% 11418

Table 41. Additional people who help person on a regular basis

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Paid support worker who is not a friend or relative Paid family member or spouse/partner Paid friend Unpaid family member or spouse/partner Unpaid friend or volunteer Other No one else provides additional support N
Region 1 14% 3% 2% 34% 10% 0% 41% 58
Region 2 16% 0% 0% 37% 8% 0% 41% 49
Region 3 9% 3% 2% 62% 5% 1% 21% 105
Region 4 19% 0% 0% 36% 11% 0% 36% 73
Region 5 11% 3% 0% 36% 9% 0% 47% 109
Overall State Average 12% 2% 1% 48% 7% 0% 32% 394
NCI-AD Weighted Average 19% 6% 1% 45% 10% 1% 29% 11159

Table 42. Paid support staff come and leave when they are supposed to

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes, all paid support workers, always or almost always Some, or usually No, never or rarely N
Region 2 86% 9% 5% 57
Region 3 83% 12% 5% 76
Region 4 91% 6% 3% 33
Region 5 89% 10% 1% 70
Overall State Average 86% 10% 4% 251
NCI-AD Weighted Average 89% 8% 3% 6441
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1

Table 43. Has a backup plan if their paid support staff do not show up

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 2 47% 53% 49
Region 3 64% 36% 72
Region 4 56% 44% 32
Region 5 48% 52% 62
Overall State Average 57% 43% 235
NCI-AD Weighted Average 66% 34% 6146
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1

Table 44. Has an emergency plan in place in case of widescale emergency

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 60% 40% 87
Region 2 67% 33% 138
Region 3 71% 29% 166
Region 4 63% 37% 115
Region 5 60% 40% 115
Overall State Average 67% 33% 621
NCI-AD Weighted Average 75% 25% 12241

Table 45. Knows whom to contact if they have a complaint about their services

Bar chart


Program Yes Maybe, not sure No N
Region 1 84% 7% 9% 45
Region 2 92% 2% 5% 92
Region 3 78% 9% 13% 92
Region 4 87% 6% 8% 52
Region 5 90% 5% 4% 93
Overall State Average 85% 6% 9% 374
NCI-AD Weighted Average 79% 7% 14% 8820

Table 46. Knows whom to contact if they want to make changes to services

Bar chart


Program Yes Maybe, not sure No N
Region 1 91% 7% 2% 45
Region 2 90% 5% 6% 105
Region 3 81% 10% 10% 115
Region 4 88% 0% 12% 51
Region 5 93% 3% 4% 94
Overall State Average 86% 6% 8% 410
NCI-AD Weighted Average 83% 7% 11% 8792

Table 47. Services meet all current needs and goals

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes, completely, all needs and goals Some needs and goals No, not all needs or goals are met N
Region 1 71% 23% 6% 52
Region 2 76% 18% 6% 122
Region 3 61% 33% 7% 147
Region 4 58% 32% 9% 65
Region 5 63% 32% 5% 127
Overall State Average 64% 30% 7% 513
NCI-AD Weighted Average 69% 23% 8% 11222

Table 48. Additional Services and Supports Needed

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Skilled nursing facility, nursing home services Personal care assistance, personal care servces Homemaker/ chore services Companion services Healthcare home services, home health Home delivered meals Adult day services Transportation Respite/family caregiver support Health care Mental health care Dental care Housing assistance Heating/Cooling assistance Hospice Funeral planning Other N
Region 2 0% 15% 52% 4% 4% 7% 0% 15% 0% 4% 4% 7% 19% 7% 0% 0% 11% 27
Region 3 3% 17% 66% 28% 7% 24% 2% 47% 3% 5% 5% 9% 9% 16% 0% 2% 7% 58
Region 4 4% 17% 48% 13% 4% 9% 0% 30% 4% 0% 0% 0% 9% 0% 0% 0% 4% 23
Region 5 4% 20% 60% 18% 11% 7% 2% 18% 0% 0% 4% 2% 13% 0% 0% 0% 16% 45
Overall State Average 3% 18% 60% 21% 7% 17% 1% 35% 3% 3% 4% 6% 11% 10% 0% 1% 9% 167
NCI-AD Weighted Average 3% 30% 38% 14% 9% 14% 6% 27% 7% 5% 7% 16% 19% 9% 1% 2% 21% 3401
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1

Table 49. Case manager talked to them about services that might help with their unmet needs (if all current needs and goals are not being met and has a case manager)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Overall State Average 42% 58% 46
NCI-AD Weighted Average 51% 49% 2267
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5

Care Coordination

Table 50. Knows how to manage chronic conditions (if has at least one)

Bar chart


Program Yes In-between, or some conditions No N
Region 1 77% 15% 8% 53
Region 2 90% 3% 7% 72
Region 3 88% 4% 8% 112
Region 4 100% 0% 0% 71
Region 5 91% 8% 1% 80
Overall State Average 91% 4% 5% 388
NCI-AD Weighted Average 86% 10% 5% 9257

Table 51. Stayed overnight in a hospital or rehab/nursing facility in the past 12 months and was discharged to go home)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 36% 64% 88
Region 2 27% 73% 132
Region 3 34% 66% 167
Region 4 36% 64% 99
Region 5 41% 59% 136
Overall State Average 34% 66% 622
NCI-AD Weighted Average 28% 72% 12427

Table 52. Felt comfortable and supported enough to go home after stay in a hospital or rehab/nursing facility (if had an overnight stay in the past12 months and was discharged to go home)

Bar chart


Program Yes In-between No N
Region 1 80% 12% 8% 25
Region 2 81% 12% 8% 26
Region 3 88% 6% 6% 48
Region 4 58% 4% 38% 26
Region 5 85% 13% 2% 46
Overall State Average 81% 8% 11% 171
NCI-AD Weighted Average 82% 8% 10% 2560

Table 53. Someone followed-up to make sure they had needed services and supports after stay in a hospital or rehab/nursing facility (if had an overnight stay in the past 12 months and was discharged to go home)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 79% 21% 28
Region 2 88% 12% 34
Region 3 85% 15% 53
Region 4 94% 6% 33
Region 5 76% 24% 55
Overall State Average 85% 15% 203
NCI-AD Weighted Average 84% 16% 3068

Choice and Control

Table 54. Feels in control of their life

Bar chart


Program Yes, almost always, always In-between, sometimes No, rarely, never N
Region 1 84% 11% 5% 63
Region 2 63% 25% 13% 110
Region 3 69% 24% 7% 137
Region 4 88% 8% 4% 72
Region 5 81% 10% 9% 105
Overall State Average 73% 19% 7% 487
NCI-AD Weighted Average 72% 21% 7% 9877

Table 55. Able to furnish and decorate their room however they want to (if living in a group setting)

Bar chart


Program In all ways In most ways Only in some ways, or not at all N
NCI-AD Weighted Average 60% 27% 13% 1484
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Overall State Average

Table 56. Can choose or change their roommate (if living in a group setting and has a roommate)

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
NCI-AD Weighted Average 22% 78% 739
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 2, Overall State Average

Tables 57. Can get up and go to bed when they want to

Bar chart


Program Yes, always, or almost always Somedays, sometimes No, never N
Region 1 98% 1% 1% 82
Region 2 89% 10% 2% 122
Region 3 93% 4% 3% 144
Region 4 99% 0% 1% 104
Region 5 97% 3% 0% 98
Overall State Average 94% 4% 2% 550
NCI-AD Weighted Average 92% 6% 2% 10057

Tables 58. Can eat their meals when they want to

Bar chart


Program Yes, always, or almost always Somedays, sometimes No, never N
Region 1 98% 1% 1% 83
Region 2 92% 7% 1% 122
Region 3 94% 4% 1% 145
Region 4 98% 2% 0% 96
Region 5 96% 3% 1% 97
Overall State Average 95% 4% 1% 543
NCI-AD Weighted Average 90% 5% 5% 10050

Self Direction

Table 59. Uses self-directed supports option

Information may only come from existing records

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 35% 65% 118
Region 2 47% 53% 86
Region 3 83% 17% 165
Region 4 73% 27% 112
Region 5 12% 88% 51
Overall State Average 69% 31% 532
NCI-AD Weighted Average 39% 61% 11585

Table 60. Can choose or change their services

Question changed in 2021-22; proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes, all services Sometimes, or some services No N
Region 1 91% 6% 2% 47
Region 2 84% 6% 10% 121
Region 3 80% 8% 12% 116
Region 4 75% 12% 13% 52
Region 5 89% 3% 8% 98
Overall State Average 82% 7% 11% 434
NCI-AD Weighted Average 76% 13% 11% 10199

Table 61. Can choose or change when and how often they receive services

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes, all services Sometimes, or some services No N
Region 1 88% 8% 4% 50
Region 2 83% 6% 11% 117
Region 3 78% 13% 9% 110
Region 4 74% 10% 16% 50
Region 5 91% 2% 7% 95
Overall State Average 81% 9% 10% 422
NCI-AD Weighted Average 71% 15% 14% 10144

Table 62. Can choose or change the people who provide paid supports if wants

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes, all services Sometimes, or some services No N
Region 2 89% 8% 4% 53
Region 3 76% 18% 6% 68
Region 4 81% 6% 13% 31
Region 5 87% 8% 5% 62
Overall State Average 81% 12% 7% 229
NCI-AD Weighted Average 79% 7% 14% 6616
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1


Table 63. Services help them live the life they want

New question in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 93% 7% 41
Region 2 94% 6% 103
Region 3 87% 13% 123
Region 4 81% 19% 58
Region 5 89% 11% 106
Overall State Average 88% 12% 431
NCI-AD Weighted Average 89% 11% 8688

Table 64. Case manager/care coordinator changes too often

New question in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 2 24% 76% 25
Region 3 58% 42% 45
Region 4 25% 75% 24
Region 5 16% 84% 49
Overall State Average 39% 61% 151
NCI-AD Weighted Average 31% 69% 6060
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1

Table 65. Paid support staff change too often

Bar chart


Program Yes Sometimes No N
Region 2 12% 5% 83% 42
Region 3 10% 24% 66% 67
Region 4 7% 10% 83% 30
Region 5 10% 13% 77% 60
Overall State Average 10% 17% 73% 216
NCI-AD Weighted Average 13% 12% 75% 5521
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1

Table 66. Likes where they live

Bar chart


Program Yes In-between, most of the time No N
Region 1 96% 2% 2% 99
Region 2 91% 3% 6% 127
Region 3 91% 3% 6% 149
Region 4 88% 6% 6% 138
Region 5 85% 7% 8% 137
Overall State Average 90% 4% 6% 650
NCI-AD Weighted Average 83% 8% 9% 10645

Table 67. Reasons does not like where they live (if does not always live where they live)

Bar chart


Program Accessibility of house/ building Feels unsafe in/dislikes neighborhood Feels unsafe in residence Residence/ building needs repair/upkeep Doesn’t feel like home Layout/size of residence/ building Problems with neighbors/ housemates/other residents Problems with staff Insufficient amount/type of staff Wants more independence/ control Wants more privacy Wants to be closer to family/friends Feels isolated from community/ feels lonely Affordability/Cost of housing Other N
Overall State Average 10% 12% 15% 25% 24% 3% 8% 8% 7% 5% 7% 6% 7% 8% 32% 57
NCI-AD Weighted Average 9% 16% 10% 16% 15% 9% 12% 9% 4% 9% 9% 8% 6% 7% 33% 1989

Table 68. Wants to live somewhere else

Bar chart


Program No Maybe Yes N
Region 1 85% 9% 6% 98
Region 2 78% 12% 10% 125
Region 3 73% 14% 13% 150
Region 4 75% 12% 13% 133
Region 5 74% 13% 12% 136
Overall State Average 75% 13% 12% 642
NCI-AD Weighted Average 68% 9% 23% 10479

Table 69. Where person would prefer to live (if wants to live somewhere else)

Question responses changed in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Different kind of home Live independently With or closer to family In a different neighborhood A different type of geography or climate Other N
Region 2 19% 0% 19% 12% 50% 4% 28
Region 3 26% 3% 18% 13% 44% 3% 40
Region 4 34% 6% 12% 6% 34% 19% 33
Region 5 60% 0% 0% 20% 13% 20% 35
Overall State Average 31% 3% 15% 12% 38% 9% 151
NCI-AD Weighted Average 33% 15% 12% 17% 20% 22% 3569

Table 70. Paid support staff do things the way they want them done

Bar chart


Program Yes, all paid support workiers, always, or almost always Some, or usually No, never or rarely N
Region 2 81% 14% 5% 42
Region 3 84% 13% 3% 70
Region 4 87% 12% 0% 32
Region 5 84% 15% 2% 61
Overall State Average 85% 13% 2% 223
NCI-AD Weighted Average 85% 12% 4% 5908
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1

Table 71. Usually likes how they spend their time during the day

Bar chart


Program No, never Somedays, or sometimes Yes, always, or almost always N
Region 1 1% 12% 87% 82
Region 2 8% 31% 62% 118
Region 3 9% 28% 63% 145
Region 4 6% 19% 75% 97
Region 5 7% 25% 68% 106
Overall State Average 8% 25% 67% 548
NCI-AD Weighted Average 9% 27% 64% 9928


Table 72. Has access to the internet

New question in 2021-22; proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar charts


Program Yes Sometimes No N
Region 1 58% 5% 37% 60
Region 2 55% 1% 45% 132
Region 3 48% 1% 50% 163
Region 4 62% 2% 36% 56
Region 5 53% 4% 43% 126
Overall State Average 52% 2% 46% 537
NCI-AD Weighted Average 64% 2% 34% 12364

Table 73. Frequency with which people use the internet

New question in 2021-22; proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar charts


Program Daily Several times a week Several times a month Several times a year Don’t use it at all N
Region 1 57% 14% 11% 3% 16% 37
Region 2 57% 23% 3% 1% 16% 69
Region 3 63% 13% 14% 1% 9% 79
Region 4 62% 15% 12% 3% 9% 34
Region 5 75% 13% 9% 0% 3% 68
Overall State Average 63% 15% 11% 1% 10% 287
NCI-AD Weighted Average 58% 14% 6% 2% 19% 8098

Table 74. Always has a stable internet connection

New question in 2021-22; proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar charts


Program Always Works Sometimes works Rarely or never wrks N
Region 1 86% 6% 9% 35
Region 2 71% 26% 3% 66
Region 3 75% 24% 1% 76
Region 4 97% 0% 3% 29
Region 5 94% 6% 0% 65
Overall State Average 80% 18% 2% 271
NCI-AD Weighted Average 85% 13% 1% 7644

Table 75. Has talked to health professionals using video conference/telehealth

New question in 2021-22; Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar charts


Program Yes No N
Region 1 24% 76% 66
Region 2 25% 75% 123
Region 3 34% 66% 152
Region 4 35% 65% 72
Region 5 32% 68% 108
Overall State Average 32% 68% 521
NCI-AD Weighted Average 43% 57% 12171

Access to Needed Equipment

Table 76. Need for grab bars in the bathroom or elsewhere in their home

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 6% 2% 65% 27% 124
Region 2 1% 3% 80% 16% 147
Region 3 6% 3% 67% 23% 175
Region 4 5% 0% 85% 10% 147
Region 5 8% 2% 65% 25% 153
Overall State Average 5% 2% 73% 19% 746
NCI-AD Weighted Average 11% 5% 65% 20% 13100

Table 77. Need for other bathroom modifications

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 11% 1% 35% 53% 74
Region 2 1% 1% 56% 42% 144
Region 3 9% 2% 48% 41% 128
Region 4 7% 1% 43% 48% 83
Region 5 8% 2% 33% 58% 131
Overall State Average 7% 2% 46% 46% 560
NCI-AD Weighted Average 12% 4% 41% 43% 12720

Table 78. Need for a shower chair

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 0% 0% 33% 67% 66
Region 2 1% 2% 81% 16% 149
Region 3 6% 4% 64% 26% 170
Region 4 2% 2% 71% 26% 65
Region 5 4% 0% 58% 39% 111
Overall State Average 4% 3% 66% 27% 561
NCI-AD Weighted Average 7% 6% 63% 24% 12618

Table 79. Need for a specialized bed

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 2% 0% 14% 84% 58
Region 2 4% 3% 24% 69% 144
Region 3 5% 3% 22% 71% 155
Region 4 2% 2% 23% 74% 65
Region 5 4% 1% 15% 80% 121
Overall State Average 4% 2% 21% 73% 543
NCI-AD Weighted Average 8% 4% 25% 62% 12782

Table 80. Need for a ramp (either inside or outside of their residence)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 9% 1% 21% 69% 67
Region 2 7% 3% 27% 63% 145
Region 3 7% 3% 26% 64% 163
Region 4 8% 0% 28% 63% 71
Region 5 6% 1% 26% 68% 120
Overall State Average 7% 2% 26% 64% 566
NCI-AD Weighted Average 7% 3% 29% 60% 12762

Table 81. Need for other home modifications

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 3% 0% 0% 97% 33
Region 3 19% 8% 23% 50% 26
Region 5 8% 0% 0% 92% 24
Overall State Average 12% 5% 18% 65% 102
NCI-AD Weighted Average 11% 3% 13% 73% 5525
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 2, Region 4

Table 82. Need for a wheelchair

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 1% 6% 20% 73% 71
Region 2 3% 3% 27% 67% 143
Region 3 4% 3% 28% 64% 173
Region 4 2% 0% 32% 65% 81
Region 5 2% 3% 23% 72% 146
Overall State Average 3% 3% 28% 66% 614
NCI-AD Weighted Average 5% 6% 32% 56% 12868

Table 83. Need for a scooter

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 2% 2% 12% 84% 64
Region 2 6% 1% 8% 86% 142
Region 3 8% 1% 7% 84% 170
Region 4 7% 0% 14% 79% 72
Region 5 1% 1% 9% 90% 143
Overall State Average 6% 1% 9% 84% 591
NCI-AD Weighted Average 9% 2% 8% 82% 12713

Table 84. Need for a walker

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 2% 4% 49% 44% 90
Region 2 1% 1% 70% 28% 149
Region 3 3% 6% 59% 31% 172
Region 4 0% 1% 66% 33% 102
Region 5 2% 3% 64% 31% 149
Overall State Average 2% 4% 63% 31% 662
NCI-AD Weighted Average 4% 6% 52% 38% 12927

Table 85. Need for hearing aids

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 3% 3% 17% 77% 60
Region 2 7% 9% 25% 59% 143
Region 3 10% 4% 14% 72% 165
Region 4 14% 0% 21% 66% 58
Region 5 6% 6% 21% 67% 139
Overall State Average 9% 5% 18% 68% 565
NCI-AD Weighted Average 8% 4% 11% 77% 12598

Table 86. Need for glasses

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 2% 3% 45% 50% 60
Region 2 1% 8% 79% 12% 144
Region 3 10% 9% 43% 38% 167
Region 4 6% 0% 78% 16% 50
Region 5 0% 13% 64% 22% 134
Overall State Average 6% 8% 57% 28% 555
NCI-AD Weighted Average 6% 15% 58% 21% 12584

Table 87. Need for personal emergency response system (PERS)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 11% 1% 22% 66% 74
Region 2 1% 1% 37% 60% 140
Region 3 8% 2% 44% 46% 170
Region 4 8% 1% 39% 52% 87
Region 5 6% 3% 46% 44% 127
Overall State Average 7% 2% 41% 50% 598
NCI-AD Weighted Average 11% 3% 42% 43% 12608

Table 88. Need for an oxygen machine

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 3% 0% 13% 84% 63
Region 2 1% 1% 18% 79% 141
Region 3 4% 1% 15% 81% 167
Region 4 5% 0% 21% 74% 66
Region 5 2% 2% 14% 83% 117
Overall State Average 3% 1% 16% 80% 554
NCI-AD Weighted Average 2% 1% 15% 81% 12609

Table 89. Need for other equipment

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Needs Has but needs change or update Has and does not need change or update Does not need N
Region 1 3% 0% 3% 93% 30
Region 5 12% 0% 4% 85% 26
Overall State Average 12% 0% 16% 72% 88
NCI-AD Weighted Average 11% 5% 19% 64% 5807
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 2, Region 3, Region 4


Table 90. Knows what prescription medications are for

Bar charts


Program Yes In-between, or some medications No N
Region 1 98% 0% 2% 58
Region 2 85% 10% 5% 101
Region 3 96% 2% 1% 136
Region 4 96% 1% 3% 73
Region 5 91% 7% 2% 90
Overall State Average 94% 4% 2% 458
NCI-AD Weighted Average 86% 9% 5% 9730

Table 91. Takes medication to help feel less sad or depressed

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar charts


Program Yes No N
Region 1 34% 66% 53
Region 2 34% 66% 94
Region 3 42% 58% 139
Region 4 35% 65% 60
Region 5 38% 62% 121
Overall State Average 39% 61% 467
NCI-AD Weighted Average 41% 59% 11913


Table 92. Has access to mental health services if they want them

Bar chart


Program Yes Sometimes No N
Region 1 76% 3% 21% 34
Region 2 92% 4% 4% 48
Region 3 89% 1% 10% 105
Region 4 90% 0% 10% 60
Region 5 87% 4% 9% 100
Overall State Average 89% 2% 10% 347
NCI-AD Weighted Average 89% 1% 10% 8807

Table 93. Can get an appointment to see or talk to their primary care doctor when they need to

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes,always Usually No, only sometimes or rarely N
Region 1 81% 13% 6% 89
Region 2 78% 16% 6% 143
Region 3 86% 8% 5% 167
Region 4 85% 6% 10% 104
Region 5 81% 13% 6% 141
Overall State Average 84% 10% 6% 644
NCI-AD Weighted Average 83% 12% 6% 12510

Table 94. Went to the emergency room for any reason in the past 12 months

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 43% 57% 93
Region 2 48% 52% 138
Region 3 35% 65% 166
Region 4 53% 47% 98
Region 5 56% 44% 139
Overall State Average 44% 56% 634
NCI-AD Weighted Average 39% 61% 12558

Table 95. Has gone to the emergency room in the past 12 months due to falling or losing balance

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 27% 73% 37
Region 2 42% 58% 65
Region 3 34% 66% 56
Region 4 37% 63% 51
Region 5 44% 56% 75
Overall State Average 38% 62% 284
NCI-AD Weighted Average 30% 70% 4817

Table 96. Has gone to the emergency room in the past 12 months due to tooth or mouth pain

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 0% 100% 36
Region 2 2% 98% 65
Region 3 2% 98% 55
Region 4 0% 100% 44
Region 5 0% 100% 69
Overall State Average 1% 99% 269
NCI-AD Weighted Average 2% 98% 4768

Table 97. Has gone to the emergency room in the past 12 months due to not being able to see their primary care physician

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 0% 100% 35
Region 2 6% 94% 64
Region 3 5% 95% 55
Region 4 5% 95% 44
Region 5 17% 83% 63
Overall State Average 7% 93% 261
NCI-AD Weighted Average 8% 92% 4748

Table 98. Had a physical exam/wellness visit in the past 12 months

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 86% 14% 57
Region 2 83% 17% 133
Region 3 79% 21% 169
Region 4 90% 10% 82
Region 5 76% 24% 123
Overall State Average 81% 19% 564
NCI-AD Weighted Average 84% 16% 12256

Table 99. Had a hearing exam in the past 12 months

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 62% 38% 53
Region 2 39% 61% 133
Region 3 32% 68% 163
Region 4 52% 48% 60
Region 5 37% 63% 131
Overall State Average 37% 63% 540
NCI-AD Weighted Average 32% 68% 11907

Table 100. Had a vision exam in the past 12 months

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 83% 17% 52
Region 2 64% 36% 135
Region 3 53% 47% 164
Region 4 84% 16% 64
Region 5 65% 35% 130
Overall State Average 62% 38% 545
NCI-AD Weighted Average 60% 40% 12140

Table 101. Had a dental visit in the past 12 months

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 67% 33% 52
Region 2 33% 67% 130
Region 3 36% 64% 162
Region 4 57% 43% 63
Region 5 52% 48% 125
Overall State Average 42% 58% 532
NCI-AD Weighted Average 45% 55% 11839

Table 102. Had a flu shot in the past 12 months

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 67% 33% 51
Region 2 72% 28% 141
Region 3 61% 39% 161
Region 4 77% 23% 66
Region 5 71% 29% 129
Overall State Average 67% 33% 548
NCI-AD Weighted Average 71% 29% 12191


Table 103. Has access to healthy foods when they want them

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes, often Sometimes No N
Region 1 89% 4% 6% 94
Region 2 89% 10% 2% 133
Region 3 86% 10% 4% 169
Region 4 88% 7% 4% 94
Region 5 92% 6% 2% 114
Overall State Average 88% 9% 3% 604
NCI-AD Weighted Average 86% 10% 4% 12479

Table 104. Overall Health

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent N
Region 1 14% 32% 28% 12% 13% 97
Region 2 15% 43% 32% 8% 1% 142
Region 3 17% 42% 27% 12% 1% 168
Region 4 18% 35% 31% 14% 3% 118
Region 5 20% 34% 30% 11% 4% 149
Overall State Average 17% 39% 29% 12% 3% 674
NCI-AD Weighted Average 18% 39% 31% 10% 3% 12815

Table 105. Health is better than 12 months ago

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Much worse Somewhat worse About the same Somewhat better Much better N
Region 1 7% 28% 43% 12% 10% 89
Region 2 4% 35% 46% 13% 2% 140
Region 3 3% 32% 53% 11% 2% 167
Region 4 7% 34% 42% 10% 6% 97
Region 5 14% 26% 50% 7% 4% 140
Overall State Average 6% 32% 49% 11% 3% 633
NCI-AD Weighted Average 8% 27% 47% 13% 5% 12714

Table 106. In the past 12 months, forget things more often than before

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 33% 67% 69
Region 2 46% 54% 82
Region 3 34% 66% 135
Region 4 45% 55% 76
Region 5 53% 47% 121
Overall State Average 41% 59% 483
NCI-AD Weighted Average 43% 57% 12136

Table 107. Has discussed forgetting things with a doctor or a nurse (if they have been forgetting things more often in the past 12 months)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 52% 48% 21
Region 2 63% 37% 38
Region 3 82% 18% 45
Region 4 59% 41% 34
Region 5 66% 34% 61
Overall State Average 70% 30% 199
NCI-AD Weighted Average 70% 30% 5400

Table 108. Often feels lonely

Bar chart


Program Yes, often Sometimes Not often, never or almost never N
Region 1 28% 18% 54% 39
Region 2 16% 48% 36% 67
Region 3 29% 29% 42% 112
Region 4 27% 35% 37% 51
Region 5 20% 33% 47% 104
Overall State Average 26% 33% 42% 373
NCI-AD Weighted Average 20% 35% 45% 9584


Table 109. Ever had to skip meals due to financial worries

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes, often Sometimes No N
Region 1 7% 4% 88% 95
Region 2 8% 5% 87% 77
Region 3 12% 1% 86% 138
Region 4 9% 5% 87% 105
Region 5 6% 4% 90% 111
Overall State Average 10% 3% 87% 526
NCI-AD Weighted Average 5% 6% 89% 12415


Tables 110. They or someone else has concerns about falling or being unstable

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program No Sometimes Yes, often N
Region 1 50% 21% 29% 114
Region 2 36% 20% 45% 146
Region 3 40% 12% 48% 174
Region 4 38% 17% 44% 133
Region 5 34% 12% 54% 115
Overall State Average 39% 15% 46% 682
NCI-AD Weighted Average 46% 18% 37% 13019

Tables 111. Has worked with someone to reduce risk of falls (if someone has concerns about them falling or being unstable)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 84% 16% 56
Region 2 88% 12% 92
Region 3 82% 18% 99
Region 4 87% 13% 78
Region 5 93% 7% 71
Overall State Average 86% 14% 396
NCI-AD Weighted Average 84% 16% 7083

Tables 112. Able to get to safety quickly in case of an emergency

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 95% 5% 97
Region 2 83% 17% 132
Region 3 77% 23% 164
Region 4 94% 6% 105
Region 5 80% 20% 118
Overall State Average 83% 17% 616
NCI-AD Weighted Average 82% 18% 12179

Table 113. Knows who to talk to if they are mistreated or neglected

Bar chart


Program Yes Maybe, not sure No N
Region 1 35% 7% 57% 68
Region 2 89% 0% 11% 84
Region 3 79% 8% 13% 137
Region 4 55% 1% 44% 86
Region 5 76% 2% 22% 88
Overall State Average 73% 5% 22% 463
NCI-AD Weighted Average 74% 5% 21% 9896

Table 114. Are ever worried for the security of their personal belongings

Bar chart


Program Yes, at least sometimes No, never N
Region 1 10% 90% 77
Region 2 16% 84% 122
Region 3 18% 82% 147
Region 4 13% 87% 91
Region 5 13% 87% 112
Overall State Average 16% 84% 549
NCI-AD Weighted Average 15% 85% 10188

Table 115. Someone used or took their money without their permission in the past 12 months

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 3% 97% 62
Region 2 9% 91% 120
Region 3 10% 90% 145
Region 4 3% 97% 78
Region 5 6% 94% 95
Overall State Average 8% 92% 500
NCI-AD Weighted Average 6% 94% 10050

Table 116. Feels safe around support staff

Bar chart


Program Yes, all paid support workers, always No, not all workers, or not always N
Region 1 100% 0% 27
Region 2 98% 2% 42
Region 3 97% 3% 70
Region 4 98% 2% 45
Region 5 97% 3% 61
Overall State Average 97% 3% 245
NCI-AD Weighted Average 96% 4% 5949

Rights and Respect

Table 117. Gets information about services in their preferred language (if preferred language is not English)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes, all information Some information No N
Region 3 100% 0% 0% 79
Overall State Average 100% 0% 0% 99
NCI-AD Weighted Average 84% 9% 7% 3738
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 4, Region 5

Table 118. Services and supports are delivered in a way that is respectful of their culture

New question in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Yes Sometimes or some services No N
Region 1 98% 0% 2% 51
Region 2 100% 0% 0% 96
Region 3 98% 1% 1% 128
Region 4 100% 0% 0% 67
Region 5 99% 0% 1% 75
Overall State Average 99% 0% 1% 417
NCI-AD Weighted Average 96% 3% 1% 9067

Table 119. Paid support staff treat them with respect

Bar chart


Program Yes, all paid support workers, always or or almost always Some, or usually No, never or rarely N
Region 1 100% 0% 0% 25
Region 2 91% 4% 4% 45
Region 3 91% 9% 0% 69
Region 4 100% 0% 0% 45
Region 5 93% 2% 5% 59
Overall State Average 94% 5% 1% 243
NCI-AD Weighted Average 92% 7% 1% 5939

Table 120. Other ask before coming into their home/room (if living in a group setting)

Bar chart


Program Yes, always Usually, but not always Sometimes, rarely, or never N
NCI-AD Weighted Average 70% 19% 12% 1537
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Overall State Average

Table 121. Able to lock doors to room (if living in a group setting)

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
NCI-AD Weighted Average 59% 41% 1457
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Overall State Average

Table 122. Has enough privacy where lives (if living in a group setting)

Bar chart


Program Yes, always Usually, but not always Sometimes, rarely, or never N
NCI-AD Weighted Average 74% 16% 10% 1544
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Overall State Average

Table 123. Can have visitors at any time (if living in a group setting)

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
NCI-AD Weighted Average 71% 29% 1459
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Overall State Average

Table 124. Can get something to eat or grab a snack anytime they (if living in a group setting)

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
NCI-AD Weighted Average 86% 14% 1506
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Overall State Average

Person-Centered Planning (State Optional Module)

Table 125. Involvement in making decisions about what is in the service plan

Newly reported in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Very or fully involved Somewhat Very little Not at all N
Region 5 81% 19% 0% 0% 21
Overall State Average 79% 20% 1% 0% 51
NCI-AD Weighted Average 79% 17% 3% 1% 3018
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4

Table 126. Service planning meeting took place at a time that was good for them

Newly reported in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Overall State Average 100% 0% 36
NCI-AD Weighted Average 99% 1% 2331
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5

Table 127. Service planning meeting took place in a place that was good for them

Newly reported in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Overall State Average 100% 0% 36
NCI-AD Weighted Average 99% 1% 2328
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5

Table 128. Service planning meeting included the people they wanted to be there

Newly reported in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Yes Some People No N
Overall State Average 97% 0% 3% 37
NCI-AD Weighted Average 97% 1% 2% 2323
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5

Table 129. People at the service planning meeting listened to needs and preferences

Newly reported in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Completely Mostly Somewhat Very little Not at all N
Overall State Average 88% 9% 0% 2% 0% 36
NCI-AD Weighted Average 72% 21% 5% 1% 0% 2331
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5

Table 130. Received a copy of the service plan after the service planning meeting

Newly reported in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Overall State Average 88% 12% 36
NCI-AD Weighted Average 90% 10% 2134
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5

Table 131. Service plan reflects what was talked about at the service plan meeting

Newly reported in 2021-2022

Bar chart


Program Yes, completely Yes, in part No N
Overall State Average 90% 7% 3% 35
NCI-AD Weighted Average 85% 13% 2% 2163
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5

Table 132. Choices and preferences are reflected in current service plan

Bar chart


Program Yes, completely Yes, in part No N
Region 5 90% 10% 0% 21
Overall State Average 76% 24% 0% 50
NCI-AD Weighted Average 78% 20% 2% 2793
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4

Covid-19 Supplement (State Optional)

Table 133. Had to move due to COVID-19

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program No, did not have to move Yes, permanently Yes, temporarily and has not moved back to permanent residence Yes, temporarily and moved back to permanent residence Yes, unsure if temporary or permanent N
Region 1 98% 0% 1% 1% 0% 108
Region 2 99% 0% 0% 1% 0% 129
Region 3 99% 1% 0% 1% 0% 164
Region 4 99% 1% 0% 0% 0% 107
Region 5 98% 0% 0% 1% 1% 146
Overall State Average 99% 0% 0% 1% 0% 654
NCI-AD Weighted Average 97% 1% 0% 1% 0% 11441

Table 134. There were changes to service and supports due to COVID-19

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 1 24% 76% 50
Region 2 23% 77% 100
Region 3 23% 77% 141
Region 4 36% 64% 58
Region 5 24% 76% 118
Overall State Average 25% 75% 467
NCI-AD Weighted Average 31% 69% 10959

Table 135. Services and supports went back to how they were before COVID-19 (if there were changes due to COVID-19)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes, all services have gone back to how they were before covid-19 Some services have gone back No, no services have gone back to how they were before covid-19 Other N
Region 2 27% 27% 45% 0% 22
Region 3 25% 3% 72% 0% 32
Region 5 39% 11% 50% 0% 28
Overall State Average 35% 10% 55% 0% 111
NCI-AD Weighted Average 40% 32% 28% 1% 3343
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 4

Table 136. Liked at least some of the changes to services and supports (if there were changes due to COVID-19)

Bar chart


Program Yes Some No N
Region 3 14% 14% 73% 22
Region 5 4% 12% 83% 24
Overall State Average 14% 12% 74% 81
NCI-AD Weighted Average 17% 21% 62% 2527
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 4

Table 137. Was able to keep changes to services they liked

Bar chart


Program Yes Some No N
NCI-AD Weighted Average 52% 34% 13% 907
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Overall State Average

Table 138. There were times when they did not have helped needed due to COVID-19

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes Some No N
Region 1 46% 2% 52% 48
Region 2 28% 3% 69% 64
Region 3 34% 3% 63% 135
Region 4 28% 8% 64% 64
Region 5 24% 13% 63% 111
Overall State Average 31% 5% 63% 422
NCI-AD Weighted Average 19% 7% 73% 10895

Table 139. Staff did things to keep them healthy and safe from COVID-19 like wash their hands, wear a mask, or help sanitize surroundings

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes Sometimes, some staff No N
Region 1 92% 0% 8% 53
Region 2 90% 6% 4% 110
Region 3 83% 6% 10% 145
Region 4 85% 3% 12% 67
Region 5 97% 1% 2% 94
Overall State Average 87% 5% 8% 469
NCI-AD Weighted Average 93% 4% 3% 10699

Table 140. Can get supplies to stay healthy and safe from COVID-19 like masks, or hand sanitizer

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question.

Bar chart


Program Yes Sometimes, some supplies No N
Region 1 94% 6% 0% 51
Region 2 91% 4% 5% 122
Region 3 97% 1% 2% 150
Region 4 90% 2% 9% 58
Region 5 99% 1% 0% 93
Overall State Average 95% 2% 3% 474
NCI-AD Weighted Average 94% 3% 3% 10916

Table 141. Received a COVID-19 vaccine

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question; note, booster shots were not available at the time survey was developed

Bar chart


Program Yes, fully vaccinated Yes, partially No N
Region 1 83% 2% 15% 110
Region 2 88% 0% 12% 138
Region 3 83% 4% 13% 165
Region 4 86% 1% 13% 103
Region 5 85% 2% 12% 122
Overall State Average 85% 2% 13% 638
NCI-AD Weighted Average 82% 2% 16% 11357

Table 142. Can get a COVID-19 vaccine if they want it (if they were not fully vaccinated)

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes No N
Region 3 83% 17% 23
Overall State Average 84% 16% 86
NCI-AD Weighted Average 91% 9% 2052
* The following programs had an N of less than 20 and were not shown: Region 1, Region 2, Region 4, Region 5

Table 143. Were satisfied with the response of service providers during COVID-19

Proxy respondents were allowed for this question

Bar chart


Program Yes Sometimes, some providers No N
Region 1 97% 0% 3% 37
Region 2 89% 5% 6% 84
Region 3 82% 6% 12% 113
Region 4 93% 7% 0% 42
Region 5 92% 5% 3% 88
Overall State Average 87% 6% 8% 364
NCI-AD Weighted Average 83% 12% 5% 8423