The Team

  • Camille Dobson


    Deputy Executive Director, ADvancing States

    Camille Dobson is the Deputy Executive Director of ADvancing States (formerly the National Association for States United on Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD)). Prior to this role, she worked for 10 years at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, focusing on Medicaid policy and operations. She is a certified professional in healthcare quality, and received her bachelor’s degree in International Affairs and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, both from George Washington University.

  • Stephanie Giordano


    Co-Director of NCI at HSRI

    Dr. Giordano is the Director of NCI-AD from Human Services Research Institute and the Training and Quality Assurance Coordinator for NCI-AD, as well as NCI. She holds a PhD from Northeastern University and a Master’s Degree in Ethics and Public Policy from Suffolk University.

  • Rosa Plasencia


    Director of NCI-AD at ADvancing States

    Rosa Plasencia is the Director of NCI-AD at ADvancing States. Ms. Plasencia also participates in work related to long term services and supports policy, equity initiatives, and No Wrong Door/ADRC. She holds a Juris Doctorate and Graduate Certificate in Consumer Health Advocacy from the University of Wisconsin, and a BA from the University of California, Santa Cruz. Prior to this role she worked in state government, as a Title III-B legal services provider, and with healthcare focused nonprofits.

  • Dorothy Hiersteiner


    Co-Director of NCI at HSRI

    Ms. Hiersteiner is the Co-Director of NCI from Human Services Research Institute and focuses on NCI-IDD as well as the State of the Workforce Surveys. She holds a MPP from Brandeis University Heller School of Policy and Management.

  • Lindsay Dubois


    Research Associate at HSRI

    Lindsay is a research associate whose work is driven by a passion for collaborative, inclusive research to promote equity and support people to thrive in their communities. Lindsay is particularly dedicated to working with disability service systems staff to identify opportunities for improving the quality of services. Lindsay is also highly skilled in communicating research findings in accessible and meaningful ways to different audiences.

  • Eric Lam


    Research Analyst at HSRI

    Eric Lam is a research analyst working with the National Core Indicators and National Core Indicators-Aging and Disabilities efforts. He is particularly driven by a passion to improve health systems and advocating for the policies that ensure equity for marginalized communities. Eric is highly skilled in data analytics and visualization using national level datasets. Eric holds a Master in Public Health from Boston University and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Arcadia University.