
  • NCI-AD Data Spotlight: LTSS Experiences of Black and White Respondents

    Feb 25th, 2021

    This Data Spotlight shares information about NCI-AD data and the long-term services and supports (LTSS) experiences of Black and White respondents. Data in this Spotlight includes experiences with staff, choice and control, and preventive care and mental health.

    PDF link: ADS_NCI-AD_Infographic_flyer_FINAL.pdf

    Video link:

  • NCI-AD Webinar: Spotlight on Social Connectedness

    Feb 10th, 2021

    NCI-AD hosted a webinar on social connectedness among older adults and people with physical disabilities on February 3, 2021.

    Physical distancing requirements due to COVID-19 have exacerbated loneliness and social isolation for many people across the country. There are some unique considerations when thinking about these issues for older adults and people with physical disabilities. This webinar examines the importance of social connection by:

    • Providing a review of the impacts social isolation and loneliness have on older adults, communities, and programs,

    • Presenting NCI-AD data and how states can use the information, including a closer look at mental health and community participation, and

    • Discussing the response to social isolation taking place at a health plan providing long term services and supports.

    A closer look at select NCI-AD indicators by Black and White respondent groups is also presented. Speakers include April Young, Director of NCI-AD at ADvancing States, Nanette Relave, Senior Director of the National Information and Referral Support Center at ADvancing States, Stephanie Giordano, Director of NCI-AD at Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), and Jodi Fenner, Dir II Product Development, Specialized Programs and Populations, Medicaid Strategy & Development, at Anthem.

    View the PowerPoint presentation
    Listen to a recording of the webinar (Password: !K7$7a0X)

    Please email April Young ( and Stephanie Giordano ( with questions about the presentation. And check out the short NCI-AD Data Spotlight video on Social Connections here!

  • Released! NCI-AD Spotlight: Social Connections Among Older Adults and People With Disabilities

    Nov 25th, 2020

    NCI-AD is excited to announce the release of our first NCI-AD Data Spotlight on Social Connections Among Older Adults and People With Disabilities! The Spotlight highlights responses from the more than 14,000 older adults and people with disabilities across 16 states who took part in the 2018-19 Adult Consumer Survey (ACS). See the video version of this Spotlight here.

    This includes just a few of the important issues addressed in the NCI-AD ACS, check out more National and Statewide data here!

  • 2018-2019 NCI-AD National Report Released

    Oct 1st, 2020

    HSRI and NASUAD are happy to announce the release of the 2018-19 NCI-AD report, NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey: 2018-2019 National Results. The report highlights the continued commitment of participating states toward measuring and improving the quality of their long-term services and supports (LTSS) systems that serve older adults and adults with physical disabilities.

    From June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019, 16 states gathered survey responses from more than 14,000 older adults and people with disabilities.  The 2018-2019 NCI-AD National Report provides a broad overview of survey results across the participating states as well as their LTSS programs.

    Click here to see full results across all states. Click here to access National and State reports.

  • 2016-2017 NCI-AD National Report Released

    Jan 27th, 2019

    HSRI and NASUAD are happy to announce the release of second national NCI-AD report, NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey: 2016-2017 National Results. The report highlights the continued commitment of participating states toward measuring and improving the quality of their long-term services and supports (LTSS) systems that serve older adults and adults with physical disabilities.

    From June 1, 2016 through May 31, 2017, twelve states (Colorado, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee) collected data through participation in the NCI-AD project. Combined, these states gathered survey responses from almost 9,000 individuals receiving a variety of services across the LTSS spectrum.  The 2016-2016 NCI-AD National Report provides a broad overview of survey results across the participating states as well as their LTSS programs.

    Click here to access the report.