NCI®-IDD & NCI-AD™ measures included in first-ever HCBS Quality Measure Set
Jul 25th, 2022On Thursday, July 21, CMS released a State Medicaid Director Letter providing guidance for the first-ever HCBS Quality Measure Set. This letter was the first of two planned guidance documents from CMS related to the measure set.
As noted in the State Medicaid Director Letter, CMS provides states flexibility to select measures from the consumer survey of their choice from the following validated tools: HCBS CAHPS®, and POM®, and the National Core Indicators Surveys: NCI®-IDD, NCI-AD™.
The significant inclusion of NCI®-IDD & NCI-AD™ within this national measure set is a testament to the vision, dedication and leadership of state human services systems, NCI staff and staff at HSRI, NASDDDS, and ADvancing States. These entities have continued to emphasize the importance of a robust quality monitoring program that ensures that the experiences of people who access LTSS are at the forefront of quality improvement efforts. NCI partners have consistently expressed to our federal partners how NCI measures align with stakeholder and state priorities and expectations for quality and monitoring.
As CMS noted in this communication, quality measures will continue to be developed and enhanced. We are committed to further measure development and testing to ensure that NCI remains a valuable and valued tool that supports states in improving quality LTSS.
NEW DATA BRIEF: Using NCI-IDD and NCI-AD Data to Assess Progress with Person-Centered Requirements in the CMS Settings Rule
Nov 19th, 2021This data brief, a joint product from NCI-IDD, NCI-AD and NCAPPS, presents a hypothetical case study of how states can use National Core Indicator (NCI) data (NCI-IDD and NCI-AD) to look at system-level person-centered planning and practices and better understand statewide system alignment with the HCBS Settings Rule.
Please contact April Young ( and Stephanie Giordano ( with questions or comments.
NCI-AD Data Spotlight: Health Care Access and Preventive Services
Oct 21st, 2021This Data Spotlight highlights the experiences of respondents to the 2018-19 NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey. Data in this Spotlight include information on healthcare utilization and the importance of access to health services.
Webinar: Enhancing LTSS Quality Infrastructure
Jun 24th, 2021NCI-IDD and NCI-AD hosted a webinar on Thursday, June 24th, to discuss the many ways that states can use their NCI-IDD and NCI-AD data to enhance the quality of their LTSS systems, support stakeholder engagement using standardized national and state reporting, and help broaden outreach to include discussions with diverse groups about outcomes. WI detailed how they use data from both programs to support quality improvement efforts. Discussion also included how states can use ARPA FMAP funding to support this effort.