Technical Reports

NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey is a copyrighted tool.  Please contact us if interested in exact survey structure or phrasing of the questions.


NCI-AD State of the Workforce Survey Pilot

In 2022, National Core Indicators-Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) launched a pilot to test the NCI-AD State of the Workforce Survey (SotW), which was administered to provider agencies employing direct support workers (DSW) within the aging and disabilities LTSS sector. The survey was piloted with five participating states: Missouri, Washington, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Indiana.

Read Pilot Report

Read Summary


NCI-AD Remote Survey Pilot Study Results

Between October and January 2020, seven NCI-AD states participated in a remote surveying pilot to test the effectiveness and feasibility of conducting the Adult Consumer Survey (ACS) via videoconference and telephone. Overall findings suggest remote surveying can be a feasible way to collect data provided that: Surveyors are appropriately trained and knowledgeable about survey administration; and NCI-AD protocols are carefully adhered to.

The findings also indicate that remote surveying may provide increased opportunities for survey participation for some people for whom in-person surveying poses logistical challenges.

Read Report


NCI-AD 2015-2016 Six-State Mid-Year Report

June 1, 2015 marked the beginning of the first full year of NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey implementation, with 13 states conducting surveys by year's end. Because of strong interest in the project, six states committed to rapid-cycle data collection to be completed by October 31, 2015 in order to produce initial outcome data. This report summarizes the data submitted by these six rapid-cycle reporting states.

NCI-AD 2015-16 Mid-year Report


Interested in seeing how the NCI-IDD and NCI-AD indicators overlap? Take a look at this document:

NCI-IDD and NCI-AD Indicator Crosswalk 2021-22


This document summarizes key differences and similarities between NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey and the HCBS CAHPS® Survey.

Comparison Summary


This document identifies NCI-AD survey data useful for evaluating system-wide compliance across a number of the new HCBS setting expectations. 

A Crosswalk to HCBS Settings Requirements 


Quality Improvement Tool for Person-Centered Service Planning

This tool identifies NCI-AD data useful for quality management activity related to a person-centered service delivery system.

Quality Improvement Tool for Person-Centered Service Planning


NCI-AD Pilot Report

Three states volunteered to pilot the NCI-AD Consumer Survey – Georgia, Minnesota, and Ohio. In early 2014, the three states began piloting the NCI-AD Consumer Survey. By the end of August 2014, all three states had finished collecting their data and shared it with HSRI for interpretation. The pilot states contracted with two vendors to conduct the in-person surveys – Vital Research and the Delmarva Foundation. During the pilot phase of the project, states’ samples included older adults and individuals with physical disabilities accessing Medicaid waivers, Medicaid state plans, and/or state-funded programs, as well as older adults served by Older Americans Act programs. This report contains data from the pilot of NCI-AD Consumer Survey. The results are shown by state and by funding source within the state. However, since the goal of the pilot was not to compare the pilot states, but rather test and refine the Survey, the three states are not identified.

NCI-AD Pilot Report