State of the Workforce - AD Reports

NCI-AD State of the Workforce Survey (SotW) 2022 Report

We are thrilled to release the first National Core IndicatorsĀ® Aging and Disabilities (NCIĀ®-AD) State of the Workforce in 2022 Survey Report. These data come at a critical time; after the COVID pandemic, state human service systems are struggling to find and sustain a workforce to support people to live and thrive in their homes and in the community. States have made large investments in workforce interventions and initiatives and need data to examine whether money has made its way into the hands of the workers through wages, and ultimately how those investments affected outcomes such as turnover and tenure. Additionally, state systems need information to understand who is in the workforce and how those workers can be supported to continue in DSW work. A total of 2 states (Colorado and Missouri) participated in the 2022 NCI-AD State of the Workforce Survey. All told, the responses from 378 provider agencies are included in this report. The data presented in this report refer to the period between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2022.

NCI-AD State of the Workforce in 2022 Survey Report


NCI-AD State of the Workforce Survey (SotW) Pilot

In 2022, National Core Indicators-Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) launched a pilot to test the NCI-AD State of the Workforce Survey (SotW), which was administered to provider agencies employing direct support workers (DSW) within the aging and disabilities LTSS sector. The survey was piloted with five participating states: Missouri, Washington, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Indiana. The goal of the pilot was to assess the feasibility of collecting this information and to finetune the survey instrument.

The pilot survey and analysis found that the NCI-AD State of the Workforce effort can reliably collect data from provider agencies on the DSW workforce supporting the AD population. Several lessons were learned from the pilot that will facilitate data collection in the future.

State of the Workforce - AD Pilot Report