
  • Staffing Arrangements in Home- and Community-Based Services and Their Impact on Person-Centered Outcomes for Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities

    The NCI-AD team presented a research poster at the 2024 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), which was held at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland on June 29 - July 2, 2024. For this poster, we looked at the relationship between primary caregiver type (paid family/friend, unpaid family/friend, and paid non-family friend). In an initial analysis, controlling for potential confounding factors, we find access to needed ADL support was best addressed by paid family whereas desired level of community engagement was best addressed by unpaid family. However, when we include measures of staff turnover and presence of a secondary, the caregiver effects is no longer significant, suggesting that when staff turnover and availability of a second helper are held constant, family/friend caregivers are no longer associated with better outcomes.

  • Addressing and Understanding Food Insecurity Approaches from Local to National

    Food insecurity is estimated to affect 1 in 14 people ages 60 and older living in the United States, according to the most current State of Senior Hunger, and its effects are disproportionately felt by historically under-served populations. Food instability and malnutrition have detrimental impacts on older persons by exacerbating preexisting conditions and increasing the chance of falls, which in turn leads to a higher likelihood of hospitalizations. Using data from National Core Indicators—Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD), we explored the relationship between those who report they have to skip meals due to financial concerns and the effect that has on social determinants of health (SDOH) and other quality-of-life outcomes. State aging and disability managers will discuss innovations in their state to improve access to nutrition and wellness.

  • Older Adults Report They Often Feel Lonely: How Does this Impact Other Outcomes in Their Lives?

    Social isolation and loneliness have far-reaching implications for older adults—in terms of quality of life, mental and physical health. Data from the National Core Indicators–Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) Adult Consumer Survey (ACS) show the prevalence of this issue is high, with approximately 20% of older adults reporting they often feel lonely. Findings from the ACS will be shared that focus on the relationship between social determinates of wellness (SDOW) and loneliness—including greater social isolation, greater food insecurity, and higher rates of mental health challenges. Further, we will share and discuss state reporting on loneliness in older adults, highlighting important considerations for policy and practice.

  • ASK About the State of the Workforce - Aging and Disabilities

  • Data to Innovate, Inform, and Influence: How States are Using NCI-AD for HCBS and DSW Policy and Planning

    At HCBS Conference 2023, the NCI-AD team discussed ways to use NCI-AD data to support quality improvement initiatives, and representatives from two states (ND and CO) discussed ways their states are currently using NCI-AD data.

  • Quality of Life Data on Older Adults and People with Disabilities

  • Does it Make a Difference? Understanding the Experiences of Individuals Receiving Services

  • NCI-AD Webinar: Describing Unmet Needs of HCBS Consumers with Dementia

    NCI-AD and University of Minnesota School of Public Health hosted a webinar September 21, 2022 to discuss the unmet needs of HCBS consumers with dementia and how client and state factors were associated with better person-reported outcomes. Discussions also included the benefits of utilizing administrative records reports over self-reported records of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

  • Thank You For Being A Friend: Mental Health and Peer Supports for Older Adults

    2022 Hybrid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Conference Presentation

  • Trends Among Older Adults and People Disabilities with Alzheimer's/Dementia

  • When I'm 64: QoL Outcomes among older adults with IDD

  • Enhancing LTSS Quality Infrastructure

    NCI-IDD and NCI-AD hosted a webinar on Thursday, June 24th, to discuss the many ways that states can use their NCI-IDD and NCI-AD data to enhance the quality of their LTSS systems, support stakeholder engagement using standardized national and state reporting, and help broaden outreach to include discussions with diverse groups about outcomes. WI detailed how they use data from both programs to support quality improvement efforts. Discussion also included how states can use ARPA FMAP funding to support this effort.

  • NCI-AD Webinar: Spotlight on Social Connectedness

    NCI-AD hosted a webinar on social connectedness among older adults and people with physical disabilities on February 3, 2021. Physical distancing requirements due to COVID-19 have exacerbated loneliness and social isolation for many people across the country. There are some unique considerations when thinking about these issues for older adults and people with physical disabilities.

  • NEW DATA BRIEF: Using NCI-IDD and NCI-AD Data to Assess Progress with Person-Centered Requirements in the CMS Settings Rule

    This data brief, a joint product from NCI-IDD, NCI-AD and NCAPPS, presents a hypothetical case study of how states can use National Core Indicator (NCI) data (NCI-IDD and NCI-AD) to look at system-level person-centered planning and practices and better understand statewide system alignment with the HCBS Settings Rule. Please contact April Young ( and Stephanie Giordano ( with questions or comments.

  • Released: 2016-17 NCI-AD National Report

    On February 28, 2019, NCI-AD staff held a webinar to present the recently released 2016-17 NCI-AD National Report, containing detailed results from 12 states. The presentation discussed the report's contents, reviewed changes in methodology, and highlighted selected findings.

  • Strategy Development: Use National Data to Inform Your Work - How to Use NCI and NCI-AD to Develop Contracting Strategies (HCBS Business Acumen Webinar)

    An HCBS Business Acumen webinar describing how national performance data from the National Core Indicators (NCI) and National Core Indicators for Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) programs can be used to develop contract strategies with health plans.

  • NCI-AD: The State Experience

    On December 14, 2017, NCI-AD staff held a webinar focused on states' experience with NCI-AD project and, in particular, NCI-AD data. The webinar began with an overview of NCI-AD, and was followed by presentations from two participating states describing their experience with NCI-AD and how they are utilizing NCI-AD data. This webinar is useful for anyone interested in learning more about NCI-AD in general as well as how states already participating in NCI-AD are using their data.

  • Results from the 2015-2016 implementation of NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey

    During the 2017 NASUAD Spring Meeting and MLTSS Invitational, HSRI and NASUAD unveiled the 2015-2016 NCI-AD National Report. The team's presentation introduced the report, briefly described its structure and methodology and highlighted select findings.

  • NCI-AD Project Implementation Overview

    In May 2017, NASUAD and HSRI gave a presentation outlining the basics of implementing NCI-AD in a state.

  • Introductory Webinar: Information for States Interested in NCI-AD: November 19, 2015 from 3-4 p.m. EST

    NASUAD and Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) held a webinar for state staff interested in learning more about the National Core Indicators—Aging and Disability (NCI-AD) project. NCI-AD is a consumer survey designed to support states’ interest in assessing the performance of their long term services and supports (LTSS) programs and delivery systems and improving services for seniors, adults with physical disabilities, and caregivers. NCI-AD’s primary aim is to collect and maintain valid and reliable data that give states a broad view of how their publicly-funded LTSS impact the quality of life and outcomes of service participants. Data will be used by states to compare their performance with other states', allow national benchmarking, and compare programs and regions within their states. During this webinar, participants were given an overview of NCI-AD, learned how data can be used, and about the process and benefits of joining this important initiative.

  • Final Pilot Report: Highlights from NCI-AD Domains: February 10, 2015 from 3-4 p.m. EST

    From January 2014 through August 2014, NASUAD and HSRI worked with three states (Minnesota, Georgia, and Ohio) to pilot the National Core Indicators-Aging and Disability (NCI-AD) survey. This webinar highlighted interesting findings from the three pilot states, discussed how states should plan to use the data, and detailed next steps for states interested in joining the project.

  • NCI-AD Preliminary Findings from Three Pilot States: October 30th from 1-2 p.m. EST

    In 2014, NASUAD and HSRI worked with three states, Minnesota, Georgia, and Ohio, to pilot the National Core Indicators-Aging and Disability (NCI-AD) survey. This webinar presented the preliminary findings from the NCI-AD survey used in the three pilot states.